Monday, May 25, 2009

the questions.. ridiculousness

soo here are some questions that i have. im jux gunna put them out there:

..why are guys so scared of commitment? (i.e.-boyfriend/husband..watever.)

..why is it that guys say that they are not "trickin" on girls if they take them out on a date.."trickin" is when you do unnecessary 0D shit..not normal, gentleman shit. ridiculous.

..why are there so many J's in atlanta? ridiculous.

..why are people still using the word "swag"?

..why is it that females think it is cute to be of anytype of relation to "nicki minaj" or "nicki lewinski" unless you want to be looked at as a dick-sucking hoe..then go right ahead.

..why cant people take constructive criticism without getting offended?

..why do girls feel the need to talk about EVERY0NE??

..why am i looked at as being sneaky just because i like to keep my business, MY business?

..why is it that when obama was running black ppl was all into that hes in office, ppl dont give a shit. smh.

..why is it a summer in atlanta with nothing to do? lol

if you have answers to these..or have questions yourself..please feel free to ask/comment.

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